
Microdermabrasion: How It Works to Improve Your Skin

/ Microdermabrasion: How It Works to Improve Your Skin

Microdermabrasion is a treatment that exfoliates the top layer of your skin to promote cell renewal and turnover. It’s powerful, effective, and noninvasive.

Gifty Aidoo, FNP-C, and Nandeesh Veerappa, MD, at Aesthetic Lab in Modesto and Turlock, California, offer many beauty treatments. Microdermabrasion treatments for ideal for acne, scarring, large pores, dryness, roughness, and hyperpigmentation

Our specialists exfoliate the skin with an abrasive instrument, removing dead or dying cells from the surface and debris buildup. Here’s how it works.

What is microdermabrasion?

Microdermabrasion is a cosmetic treatment method in which special microcrystals and a vacuum-compressed air system remove the upper layers of the skin. 

Fine, sterilized microcrystals are directed onto the skin at high speed (using a handpiece) and sucked out again through a vacuum hose system into a separate container. This treatment is a type of peel without chemical or biological substances.

How does microdermabrasion work?

Your skin is an organ made up of different layers. The uppermost of the three skin layers of the epidermis consists of dead cells. The underlying skin layers comprise living cells, which are constantly renewed.

During this renewal process, the overlying cells continuously push farther upward, where they then die and are constantly shed. The skin renewal process usually takes 28 days. With increasing age, however, this renewal process of the cells slows down.

Microdermabrasion starts at the top layer of skin and gently and safely removes the micro-layer of dead cells from the epidermis. A delicate, smooth surface appears. By removing the top layer, your skin receives the impulse to create new skin cells. 

Natural skin renewal

Microdermabrasion deeply cleanses your skin. The deep cleansing, through the combination of peeling and vacuum, stimulates the skin’s collagen and elastin production, making it firmer. The significantly boosted microcirculation also promotes the restoration of your epidermis. This protects against injuries and dehydration.

A significant benefit of microdermabrasion is the improvement of lymphatic drainage (lymph flow), blood circulation stimulation, and skin detoxification.

What to expect after dermabrasion treatment

Microdermabrasion removes an old layer of skin, temporarily removing the skin’s natural self-protection. Therefore, pre-treatment and aftercare are vital.

Depending on the treatment intensity, you may notice slightly pink skin but no open wounds. Short-term feelings of dryness and tightness of the treated skin are potential reactions that return to normal within a short time. Your skin needs 2-3 days to rebuild its protective barrier. 

After the treatment, your skin is also sensitive to light, so use sunblock to protect yourself from harmful UV rays. Avoid heavy sweating, swimming pools, and exposure to dust.

The skin usually becomes more elastic, and the pores become smaller after microdermabrasion. Wrinkles and lines are reduced. In addition, the treatment has a rejuvenating effect by activating your skin’s collagen and elastin production.

You’ll likely notice results after the first treatment. Microdermabrasion treatments at regular intervals can increase this effect. Call Aesthetic Lab today for more information on microdermabrasion treatments or book an appointment online.

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